The Stormwater Coalition of Tompkins County was formed in 2003 in response the NYDEC’s implementation of the EPA’s Phase II Storm water program. The Coalition consists of 10 municipalities within Tompkins County and Cornell University. The municipalites include: Town of Caroline, Town of Danby, Town of Dryden, Town of Ithaca, City of Ithaca, Town of Lansing, Town of Newfield, Town of Ulysses, Village of Cayuga Heights, Village of Lansing, and Tompkins County.
The purpose of the Stormwater Coalition of Tompkins County is to:
- Exchange information and foster cooperation among MS4s to assist MS4s in complying with the EPA Phase II Stormwater regulations;
- Facilitate the use of resources to assist MS4s in meeting the requirements of the U.S. EPA Phase II Stormwater regulations and the permit conditions of current New York SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems
- Identify funding mechanisms to meet the financial needs of complying with the Phase II Stormwater regulations and current New York SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems;
- Protect and/or improve local water quality in accordance with Federal, State, County, and local water quality regulations, planning documents and policies; and,
- Facilitate consistency of stormwater management and regulations across municipal boundaries.